Hoooooot today in Ubud so I thought I would hide in an internet cafe for a couple of hours and soak up the air con - together with the cigarette smoke and the smell of burning incense in the shrine next to my head...! What's not to love?!
Anyway - back to the topic at hand...
After a while being on the road, I realised the conversations I have when first meeting new people are almost on a set script:
So, where are you from? |
Me - Hey, how are you?
New person - I'm alright thanks. You?
Me - I'm all good! Where are you from?
New person - I'm from X. Where are you from?
Me - I'm from a French Island in the Caribbean.
New person - Wow, the Caribbean? Where about?
Me - Martinique.
New person - You must be so used to the heat / You must be so cold!
Then it goes something like:
How long have you been here?
You traveling on your own too?
Are you on holidays or traveling around?
Where have you been before?
How much longer have you got?
Where are you going next?
But when I got to spend some time with someone, and I wanted to know them a bit more than just the superficial stuff, I started to ask this one more question: What would you do it time and money were unlimited?
I was expecting to get all sorts of crazy answers to that one like but no. What I got mostly was - I would quit my job and go traveling around the world.
I was really taken aback! It is true that most people I met were traveling for up to 6 months, a few had been away for a year and a handful for over a year like me. I can count on the fingers of one hand the ones away for more than two years. So most of the people I got to ask this question were going back to their 'normal life' after the trip.
They had a taste of traveling but still thought you need to have an unlimited amount of time and cash to go away for long.
Sorry, what? |
Let me repeat that slower - You. Don't.
You do not need to be Bill Gates. I am certainly not even if I wish I was, yet I am doing what 90% of all people said they would do.
Don't get me wrong, I did not just wake up one day, packed my bags and took the first plane to wherever. No, that would have been a very silly thing to do!
I did my research on the places I wanted to go, I saved like a mad squirrel for 4 years and I had to find a friend who would agreed to collect my mail for the time I was away. And I quit my job, booked my first ticket, bought a backpack and hope I put the stuff in it.
More importantly - I took the decision to go, to do something for myself, be completely selfish and foolish, to put myself in harm's way. But I TOOK THE DECISION.
I could have stayed at the planning/saving stage forever, coming up every day with a good reason why I should not go now. But all these months traveling showed me that there are no 'good' reasons...
'What about money?'
Save up a bit and go. You can always pick up some odd jobs to get cash in or work in exchange for food and board. Working Holiday Visas are widely offered and if you're too old to apply, you can always work under the radar!
'I can quit my job now, what about my career?'
A job is a job is a job. There will always be one for you to take when you go back. Might not be the same, but if you are seriously considering going, something tells me your career is not your #1 priority right now...
'I have got a morgage/credit to pay off'
If you have got a morgage, you have got a house or flat you can rent while you are away. That means the house or flat can pay for itself. I you have got credit, save up some more and see if you can get away with lower monthly repayments. Then work as you go to support yourself while traveling.
'I can't get time off work'
That one is easy - quit the damn job!
'Wait, I have got a family. I can't go traveling with kids'
I have met many families traveling, some with very small children, even a lady on her own with two small ones! I will not say it will be easy every day, but it is possible. You will not be able to slum it like a 20-something German boy, you will be able to go places.
'I have never been away on my own'
News flash - me neither. I had never even been to a restaurant on my own before this trip. I am still alive and well, thank you :)
There is never going to be enough time, enough money, enough freedom to go traveling. Or to do anything else for that matter. This is true only if you let the 'good' reasons stop you.
But if YOU TAKE THE DECISION, if you do, then believe me, you are in for a treat!
So go on, go traveling, go back to uni study medicine, have that baby - whatever it is, once you take the decision, everything will fall into place.
Because YOU are enough when you have made up your mind :)
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Nothing can stop you but yourself |
Bye :)
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